When will my Membership automatically renew?
Will I still receive a renewal discount and early-bird window opportunity?
How do I opt-out of auto-renewal?
When will my Membership automatically renew?
Your Membership will automatically renew during your 2026 renewal. Individual, Industry, Contributors Circle, and Sustainer-level Members will agree to Terms and Conditions, including auto-renewal, during their Membership purchase as of February 1, 2025. When your Membership is due for renewal in 2026, you will be notified at least 30 days in advance of the automatic renewal.
Under 25 Free Pass, memberships purchased by staff/volunteers using their applicable discounted rate, Patrons Circle memberships, and memberships purchased by residents of Quebec are not subject to automatic renewal.
Will I still receive a renewal discount and early-bird window opportunity?
Yes. Members will continue to receive incentives to renew early before the automatic renewal takes place. All Members who renew by the advertised early-bird deadline will automatically receive an earlier window for Festival ticket purchases.
Members will also receive a limited-time offer to renew with a discount in their month of expiry. Members who would like to change their Membership level should renew before their automatic renewal date. Only Members who are due to renew on the last business day of their month of expiry will be automatically renewed with the primary payment method on file.
How do I opt-out of auto-renewal?
You may cancel your TIFF membership at any point during your Membership. Upon cancellation, you will remain an active Member with access to TIFF Membership benefits until your expiry date. After your expiry date, your Membership benefits will end and your Membership status will be updated to dropped. TIFF membership cancellations can be made by”
By filling out the form here, at any time before your renewal date;
Via the opportunity to cancel provided in an email notice that you will receive from TIFF (sent to the email address provided or available at the time of purchase of your TIFF membership) 30 days in advance of the renewal date of your TIFF membership; or
By emailing loyalty@tiff.net at any time before your renewal date. No refunds or credits will be issued for TIFF memberships cancelled before the end of their Membership term or for partially used Membership terms.