Festival Schedule

Festival Schedule

When and where can I view the Official Film Schedule?

How can I find out about any changes to the schedule?

What is the difference between Premium and Regular Festival screenings?

When and where can I view the Official Film Schedule?

The Official Film Schedule for TIFF 2024 will be available online at tiff.net/schedule on Tuesday, August 13 at 10am. Stay tuned to tiff.net for updates about the release date of the Official Film Schedule. Printed schedules are no longer available.

How can I find out about any changes to the schedule?

All screening changes (including date, time, and location) are noted on tiff.net/changes after our schedule goes live on Tuesday, August 13 at 10am. If you have purchased tickets to a screening that has been changed or cancelled, you will receive a notification email from our Customer Relations team.

What is the difference between Premium and Regular Festival screenings?

Premium screenings offer a premium in-person experience, and can include red-carpet screenings, World or North American Premieres, and/or audience Q&As. Regular screenings refer to all non-Premium screenings and make up the majority of screenings at the Festival. Films scheduled as Premium screenings may include Regular screenings in their second and third showings at the Festival.