Programming Statement for Peace

April 26, 2024

Programming Statement for Peace

A Statement from TIFF Chief Executive Officer Cameron Bailey and Chief Programming Officer Anita Lee

In recent months, TIFF, like many cultural organizations, has been working through its responsibility in engaging with the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, and more broadly, questioning its role as a cultural institution in engaging with geopolitical conflicts. This has included consulting with a number of industry and community partners with a range of perspectives and experiences. In follow up to the statement we issued in October, we feel that it is necessary to provide a more current statement as to where we stand at this time, in order to continue curating and presenting films from this region for this year’s festival and beyond.

We stand against antisemitism, Islamophobia, and all forms of discrimination. We stand with all those, including the Canadian government, calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and an end to the suffering of Palestinian civilians. We stand with all those calling for the immediate and safe return of Israeli hostages taken on October 7.

As a cultural institution, we stand for the right of artists and cultural workers to express fair political comment freely and oppose censorship. Because filmmakers, like all artists, work in dynamic engagement with their societies, we believe that our role as curators and presenters of film must stand for an unequivocal defense of artistic expression, and a commitment to provide safe, open spaces to engage, critique and reflect on artists' work.

Art has the power to enlighten, enrich understanding, and foster empathy. That power is strongest when it is rooted in a respect for both our common humanity and our infinite differences. It depends on a rejection of discrimination, hate speech, and any form of harassment. As we continue our work to bring transformative film experiences to audiences, this is the environment we seek to cultivate.

As we curate and present films, series and talks in these complex times, and begin planning for the 2024 Toronto International Film Festival, we will continue to consider contexts of creation and production. As the presenters of a public festival, we also embrace an open submission policy and will continue to consider films, first and foremost, on their creative merits.

This has been a painful time for many. We hope that engaging together in the experience of art in a peaceful and collaborative way can offer paths to dialogue, empathy and healing.

Cameron Bailey
Chief Executive Officer, TIFF

Anita Lee
Chief Programming Officer, TIFF