Programmer - Diana Cadavid

Diana Cadavid

International Programmer, Latin America, Spain and Portugal


portrait of Diana Cadavid

Diana Cadavid is a Colombian Canadian curator of film and new media, with wide experience in international film festivals. She’s currently International Programmer for the Toronto International Film Festival, and the director of the Los Angeles Latino International Film Festival and the Festival Internacional de Cine de Cali.

Diana has also worked as Associate Director of Program and Industry for the Miami Film Festival, Director of Programming for the International Film Festival of Panama (IFF Panamá), and as a programmer for the aluCine Film+Media Arts and Parkdale Film Festivals in Toronto. She has been a Programming Associate for eight editions of TIFF.

Diana produced and edited the short films Breathe the Night, Bleiben, Still Life with Echo, and Define Solidarity, directed by Álvaro Girón. She was the Production Manager for the feature film Mañana a esta hora by Lina Rodriguez.

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