Film Loans


Film Loans

Institutions and cinematheques interested in applying to borrow a title from the TIFF Film Reference Library (FRL) are invited to review the documents below. The FRL does not provide full listings of our holdings to external programmers.

Please send inquiries based on proposed programming to

Film Loan Fees and Policies

Film loan fee schedule:

  1. All fees will be waived for print and DCP loans to member organizations of the International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF)
  2. 35mm prints will be loaned to approved non-FIAF organizations at a fee of $500 CAD
  3. DCPs will be loaned to non-FIAF organizations at a fee of $250 CAD

Non-FIAF organizations are approved for loan of 35mm prints via a vetting process upon submission of information stipulated in the “Film Projection Criteria” document. All borrower institutions are expected to practice proper archival print handling and projection, e.g. not cut or platter prints, project reel-to-reel. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding archival standards.

Film loan policies and procedures:

  • Loan requests should be submitted at least two months in advance of the screening
  • All loan requests will be assessed and approved by an internal access committee
  • TIFF reserves the right to refuse any loan request due to existing programming plans, preservation concerns, or any other reason
  • Screenings should not be publicly advertised before a loan agreement is signed
  • Borrowers are responsible for all shipping, customs, and insurance expenses
  • Prints or DCPs must be returned by the date stipulated in the signed loan agreement (typically two weeks following the screening)
  • The film print or DCP source must be credited to the TIFF Film Reference Library as outlined in the loan agreement

Film Projection Criteria

TIFF loans 35mm prints exclusively to members of the International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF) and approved non-member theatres.

An interested borrower that is not a current member of the FIAF must meet certain criteria in order to screen a 35mm film print from the Film Reference Library (FRL) Screening Collection.

Please provide the following information to FRL Senior Manager at

Information on projectionist qualifications

  • Full name, detailed applicable work experience, and training

Projection equipment

  • Date installed
  • Projector make and model (itemize picture and sound head separately if applicable)
  • Date last serviced
  • Preventative maintenance schedule
  • Name of company that services equipment

The above criteria follow FIAF best practices in determining loan suitability.

TIFF reserves the right to inspect the facility prior to issuing a loan agreement, withone of the interested theatre’s projectionists present.

It is recommended that interested theatres/programmers reach out to the FRL Screening Collection at least two months prior to a proposed screening date.

A proud affiliate member of the International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF), the Film Reference Library is dedicated to collecting, preserving, and providing access to a comprehensive collection of materials – including 35mm films – to promote Canadian and international film scholarship.

Film Reference Library and CIBC Canadian Film Gallery
4th floor, TIFF Lightbox
Reitman Square, 350 King Street West, Toronto
416-934-3275 |